Sent: Wed, Jan 20, 2010 10:52 am
Dear Ms. Zubko:
I am in receipt of your undated letter concerning our community. I was most hopeful when I read the opening paragraph indicating that you were opposed to "negative campaigning" and that you would provide "only facts". I thought that perhaps finally someone from the Bay Colony Board of Directors was going to show some leadership which has been severely lacking of late.Well, I can see how wrong I was to assume you were going to do what you promised in your opening.
You then proceeded to fill the remaining three pages of your letter with some of the most negative remarks, out and out falsehoods, and divisive positions imaginable. And then you sign your letter "On behalf of the board", which would lead one to believe that said letter has the approval of the entire Board of Directors which I clearly doubt.
1. You lead of with a statement clearly intended to divide this community by stating you are a ""full time resident" and then list three others who you say or not. Quite frankly, I have searched the Bay Colony Club Bylaws high and low and I cannot find a rule or regulation that there is a requirement for serving on the Board that requires a resident to to be "full time". Just what a "full time" resident is escapes me- does that mean that one never leaves the property. I see this comment as a ploy to divide the community between those you deem "full time" and those who have residences away from Bay Colony Club in addition to their unit here. As far as I am aware, we all pay the same maintenance fees, and we all are considered full fledged owners when assessments are required. I spend approximately nine months a year at Bay Colony Club- am I a "full time" resident in your definition.
2. You state that you attend "every meeting I possibly can", and then criticize two residents in an unsupported claim concerning their attendance. Innuendo can be a malicious tool place in a shot gun spray that define the letter you sent out. Not really something I would call "leadership".
3. You are the current President of the Board of Directors (although not elected) and you see fit to disparage three individuals who have resigned. Again in reviewing the Bylaws I cannot find an indicator that is illegal to resign from the Board and then again run for office.
4.Your diatribe concerning the hiring of the current Bay Colony Club Manager is full of errors and misstatements. I can recall the period when the current manager was hired ( who in my opinion has done and continues to do an outstanding job, even though it appears many of the current Board try to make it next to impossible to succeed) and my recollection from attending Board Meetings is that it went back and forth with the attorneys several times. You also state that Bill Brady was on the Board that approved this action, but my records indicate that while I have lived at Bay Colony Club, Mr. Brady has only served as a Director since the last election in 2009. You have a convenient way of making errors that favor your position.
5. You speak of the dissolution of the Special Recreation Board and again make misstatements as to what actually transpired and who was involved. You conveniently ignore the occurrence during this period where you used Special Recreation District funds for your personal purchases. If you are not going to allow "mistakes" by those who oppose you how can you justify them for yourself?
6. You speak of 'casting aspersions and unfounded accusations" and I totally agree that until something leaves the rumor mill and is proven that it is not worthy of serious consideration. However my distaste for the performance of the current Board of Directors is not based on rumors or false accusations, but rather on what I have personally observed while attending meetings and simply watching the goings on. I find it literally embarrassing the way these open meetings are allowed to get out of control,and run with no semblance of order. In addition I have found the actions of the current Board to be extremely secretive with what appears to be an attempt to keep interested residents from knowing what is going on. The current Board seems to appear to an outsider to have an agenda that need not be divulged until it is passed upon.
The Board that was in place in 2006 and 2007 was much more open and communicative. We actually received monthly updates and newsletters on a regular basis.You were critical of hiring the current Manager but as I recall the predecessor, I believe United Management Company, was performing in a totally unsatisfactory manner. My hat is off to the replacing of that utterly worthless entity.
7. How you can defend the Comcast Contract negotiations is beyond me. Once again, then President Sam Slota operated in his "lone wolf" fashion and struck a deal months before the topic was ever raised publicly at an open Board meeting. This community is not the personal fiefdom of the Board- each of the owners has an equal stake and an equal right to be heard. I for one would like a full, written explanation of exactly what occurred during this process.
8. While you personally have just recently been appointed to the current Board of Directors, and cannot be held responsible for their actions prior to your appointment, you certainly can be held responsible for the most disgusting action I have seen since living at Bay Colony Club. The hiring of a Private Investigator whose duties are clouded in secrecy is outrageous. I am totally flabbergasted that this Board would waste the money of this community participating in what to me is a Gestapo tactic. Just who is going to be investigated and who and what will be done with the information that is compiled. If for no other reason it is my hope that those who voted for this scurrilous proposal.
This Board has done a terrible job communicating with residents, has created animosity among neighbors simply for their own end means, For that reason. and not based upon rumors or aspersions or accusations. I will not support you or the others who voted the Private Investigator onto our payroll.
Bill Walker
Building Eight
1 comment:
You said it all!
It's just about time for SOMEONE to have the guts to tell it like it is.
Now, will our wimpy residents read - understand - and BELIEVE that these people are NOT our "White Knights in Shining Armor"?
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