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Saturday, July 25, 2009


I can confirm the sloppy accounting and lack of control over Deposits. In 2008 I canceled the dock lease I had obtained more than 20 years before and asked for the return of my deposit. I was told there was no record of my having made any deposit and that I should provide a copy of the canceled check! Who keeps canceled checks for 20+ years?

Luckily I had a signed lease acknowledging my deposit, so I got my money back. How many people not so lucky will get done out of their deposit? Remember the $50 “deposit” for gate openers that most of us lost?

I would be surprised if detailed support could be provided for either the rental or the dock deposits. If any detail does exist, it would only be due to the efforts of Joanne Lowenthal, our manager, working against stiff opposition from some BOD members.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Did you get your postcard from George with news that 2008 Financial Statements were available? It cost BCC at least an extra $282 in printing and mailing costs because it was over-sized and printed on two sides. Except for the political propaganda touting a perennial BOD candidate, the card could have been standard size and printed and mailed at a savings.

It’s only $282, but add that to the $1,700 cocktail hour “Reception” BCC paid for, and these publicity efforts begin to get to real money. What next?

Maintenance is not being paid for 32 BCC apartments.

As of April 30, 2009, $160,228 in maintenance was overdue and unpaid.

Our BCC workers have been told not to expect any raises and we have a hiring freeze on vacant positions. Time to watch our pennies?

Way to go George!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


In order for this blog to be interesting, useful and widely read, it has to do more than just gripe about our Board of Directors. (Who knows, some day we may just vote in a competent board again.)

I don't have the time or the expertize to do it all, so we need help:

REALTOR - To author a monthly BCC Realty article. Statistics: Number For Sale, Number Sold, High, Low, Median and Average Prices, Average Days on Market, etc. Plus a brief (one paragraph) analysis of BCC realty trends, Updated monthly. No sales pitches please, but good PR, so take credit for it. We need a June report NOW!

ACCOUNTANT/CPA - To author a monthly, brief (one or two paragraph), number cruncher's look at BCC. Comments (point with pride, view with alarm) on the latest BCC monthly financials. Plus brief opinions on whatever gets your attention... audits, accounting system and controls, etc. What do YOU think of the 2008 Audited Financials? Needs to be in layman's language. To be understood by the dimmest bulb on the present BOD. A signed article bears more weight.

ENGINEER/CONTRACTOR - To author irregular, short, punchy opinions on BCC maintenance and construction policies, practices and progress. (I know you're out there.)

UNDERCOVER OPERATOR(S) - Feed us info about what doesn't look, feel or smell right by adding a comment to "Undercover Ops" (U-Op) Section. We need verifiable facts, not just opinion or rumors. Specifically what has to be looked at and where to start? Your comment will NEVER be published. All tips should be made by "Anonymous".

INVESTIGATOR - To check facts, obtain documentation and write, or contribute to an investigative blog when a U-Ops tip looks like pay dirt. You will not be put in contact with or provided the name of the tipster. Your work can be anonymous or credited as you wish.

PLANT PERSON - Author an irregular article about BCC landscaping. What's in bloom and beautiful? What's dead or dying? How about Xeroscaping, etc.? Save that tree?

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Want the job? E-mail:

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Stop theft, vandalism, graft, kickbacks and violation of state and federal laws! Provide info by adding a comment to this article. Click on "comments" below. We need verifiable facts, not just opinion or rumors. Specifically what has to be looked at and where to start? Give us a place to start and we'll look into it.

Public-spirited readers should consider banding together and offering rewards for information leading to arrest, prosecution and conviction of bad guys.

Your comment will NEVER be published. All tips should be made by "Anonymous". Click on "O Anonymous" when asked to chose an identity after entering your comment.