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Did you get your postcard from George with news that 2008 Financial Statements were available? It cost BCC at least an extra $282 in printing and mailing costs because it was over-sized and printed on two sides. Except for the political propaganda touting a perennial BOD candidate, the card could have been standard size and printed and mailed at a savings.
It’s only $282, but add that to the $1,700 cocktail hour “Reception” BCC paid for, and these publicity efforts begin to get to real money. What next?
Maintenance is not being paid for 32 BCC apartments.
As of April 30, 2009, $160,228 in maintenance was overdue and unpaid.
Our BCC workers have been told not to expect any raises and we have a hiring freeze on vacant positions. Time to watch our pennies?
Way to go George!
Mr. George Lauth is perfect board member. I have watch him at meeting and he is quiet, not make the controversy. He makes the vote when they tell him George vote yes and he vote yes and they tell him George vote no and he vote no. He is what you call patsy. He is no trouble to other board members. They like him. Every board should have a Mr. George Lauth.
How sad that someone who can't even speak the language properly would see fit to slander one of our community leaders. What a shameful thing to do. George Lauth has given his time over the years and has been a valued Board member several times. For your information, the Board does NOT tell George how to vote. He votes his conscience for the good of the community. He is no patsy either - he steps up to the plate when needed.
To ChellieBee: This Blog is for everyone, no matter whether your opinion is pro or con. You don't agree with Ivan - that's fine. But I think it's equally shameful for YOU that you would make fun of the way a person writes (or speaks)! English may not be Ivan's mother tongue, but how many lamguages can YOU speak?
To Ivan: Bravo, Ivan! Way to go! And here's a little phrase for you in LATIN (and I'll bet YOU know what it says - and ChellieBee DOESN'T!):
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