People who have been oppressed, lied to, swindled and ignored will, when able, take their revenge. Think Marie Antoinette and Russian Czar Nicholas II…snuffed along with their families. BCCer’s reactions, when finally given a platform, are predictably enthusiastic. However, the blogs have been up for three months now and everybody has had their chance to vent.
Blog comments which are only personal attacks are counter-productive. Comments not making any material contribution are not helping to improve our community, and they make it more likely that folks won’t read through all the comments. There is a huge difference between calling an act idiotic and calling a person an idiot. These sorts of comments harden the defensive positions of the person attacked and put off those more gentle souls among us who HATE controversy.
Why do many BCCers avoid board meetings? Because the meetings are like a brawl in a low-life bar. We have a right to intelligently run board meetings operated by Robert’s Rules and managed by a reasonably intelligent, honest and polite Board of Directors. We cannot have a civil, calm community if we are only trying to stick our thumb in some bozo’s eye.
Please calm down, get constructive and use the blog articles and comments for positive change. Future comments which are ONLY personal attacks against an individual and without any other merit or substance (although possibly funny) will be rerouted and attached here.
Anonymous said...
We have no "Money Tree" growing here at BCC. However, leaves from that fabulous tree can be found in every BCC owner's wallet or purse.
Have you ever heard of a "Shoe Tree"? (No - not the type that Grandfather used to keep his shoes in shape.)
There used to be a "Shoe Tree" outside one of the stores at a mall on 17th Street Causeway. You tied a pair of old sneakers together by their laces, then tossed the shoes up into the tree; they would snag a branch and dangle there with a shoe on each side of the branch.
I would like to create a "Shoe Tree" at BCC, perhaps using one of the Black Olive trees at the entrance to Rec. 2.
Pete Shelton with his "creative" funding of his girlfriend Saundra Zubko's SRD, using unauthorized transfers from Association funds, and Sam Slota with his lies about the CCG-Comcast Cable TV Contracts, tacit agreement with Pete's activities, and profligate spending on frivolous legal bills - these two would be our first pair in that tree.
I suggest, that since they've had the BCC owners by the "short-and-curlies", each have their hands tied behind their backs, then be tied firmly to each other with a long rope attached to their "privates' - and slung over a sturdy branch - one dangling on each side of that branch.
A rather fitting revenge, and I'm sure it would provide many hours of amusement for our residents! We need some laughter in here and these two amoral rogues have made us cry too many times in the past two years.
I'm pretty sure that this treatment would prevent them from "branching out" (pun intended) in any further insults to our community!
September 12, 2009 10:56 PM
How funny! My imagination immediately conjured up an image and I howled with laughter! (Yes, we need something to laugh at - and this Board's feeble attempts to govern BCC properly IS laughable - but NOT in a funny way.)
HEY! I want to suggest a SECOND pair for our "Shoe Tree": Saundra Zubko and Rochelle Bisaillon - they were responsible for bringing United Community Management to BCC - another HUGE waste of money.
Of course, Saundra and Rochelle have no "privates" to tie the rope to, so I suggest an "alligator" clip on a prominent part of their anatomy (no! no! NOT the nose ...... think LOWER ...... about a foot lower! LOL)
Then they can "make a clean breast" of things (ooooh - dontcha just LOVE puns?)!
This is an asinine and ridiculous section - but I'll play this stupid game.
MY choice for the third paiR for the Shoe Tree is Charles Puckit and Beverly Houston - two of our biggest BCC trouble-makers.
Don't bother with "privates" and "alligator" clips - just make a NOOSE at each end of the rope.
After all, they both have the "WRITE" stuff! (there - I think I managed to hold my own in the pun department).
What fun!
FOURTH pair for the Shoe Tree:
Leslie Lombardi (you can hear her down at the Intracoastal when she starts screaming at Rec. 2 - without a microphone!) and Jason Katz (that little know-nothing wimp that's controlled by Leslie and Saundra Zubko).
Leslie will hang upside down by her feet. Jason will hold the other end. When he gets tired and lets go, Leslie will land on her head. Oops - one less problem for dear old BCC.
I LOVE this game! Let's keep it going - it's a GREAT way to vent!
Bev's reply to "Disgusted":
Charlie and Beverley hung and slowly spinned,
Gently blowing to and fro in the southern wind.
Charlie said, "You know,Bev, we gave it our best fight."
Bev replied, "I never thought we'd end like this ... just because we're WRITE!"
One of the girls who was an enumerator two years ago said that Bunny changed the rules from what they'd ALWAYS done. She allowed envelopes with MORE than one signature to be counted, where before they'd ALWAYS discarded these envelopes. The rule used to be that ONLY the designated voter's signature was acceptable. But Bunny said as long as the designated voter's signature was on the envelope, it didn't matter who else had signed it! What's the point of having a designated voter form if it isn't used?
We both felt this was not right, and it sure turned out to be not good for BCC.
I don't think that Bunny should ever again be allowed to be our Election Supervior - she's not honest any more.
September 16, 2009 4:53 PM
Disgusted's comments appear to be those from someone who fails to support truth and honesty, but instead enjoys the BS and deception that this board continues to us to delude our membership. I believe "Ostrich" would be a better name than Disgusted.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION - HARRIET GUSTAFSON":
The-worser-verser sez ...
Harriet's a very pretty "lady"(?),
But it's just like people say:
"You can't have both beauty along with brains" ...
Nope - it just doesn't work out that way.
Oh sure - we KNOW she's a LAWYER
(Book-larnin' and all that stuff).
But what she's missing is PRACTICAL brains -
What you learn from books ain't enough.
"People skills" she's missing when she sits up front;
She's so PATRONIZING when she tries to "explain".
She speaks slowly - succinctly - in words of one syllable ...
Since we're too stoopid to own a brain!
Personally, I think SHE'S the dumb one
To get hooked up with Saundra's crew.
When the lot are trotted off to jail in handcuffs, What in the world will she do?
As a LAWYER she should be smart enough
To KNOW condo law front to back!
Unfortunately I think our dear Harriet
Is an "ambulance-chaser" lawyer - just another "legal hack"!
Unfortunately, she JUST might stand a chance
To get re-elected - she'll get in just by a "scrape" ...
The new Board can make things more pleasant
By sealing her mouth with duct-tape!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION - SAM SLOTA":
The-Worser-Verser sez ...
Don't piss off the ex-President!
You'll be sorry if you do -
He came from the "city of Mafia"
And he'll "take care" of you ...
He's a macho swaggering bully
"You'll do it MY way - or pay!"
And pay we all do, whether personally,
Or by vandalim - here at the "Bay"!
He LOVES to spend our money.
You don't like it? "Them's the breaks!"
He schmoozes "Hi Big Guy!" "Hi Honey!"
He's the ultimate in political fakes.
He can't read, write or spell.
Condo law? Pish! He ignores it all.
Bombastic, overbearing and STUPID -
But with your money he's havin' a ball!
My fondest fantasy is sending Sam
On the very next plane to Afghanistan.
Why, he could give lessons - by damn! -
On TERRORISM to the Taliban!
He harasses all the BCC Staff;
He's nasty to Sheila and Joanne.
He wants to out-source so bad he can taste it!
He gets tons of kickbacks whenever he can.
Someday the wheel will come around
And grind Sammy deep into the ground
But it won't happen soon enough
Before this GONZO does more EVIL stuff!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION - SAUNDRA ZUBKO":
The-Worser-Verser sez ...
Saundra Zubko spends her days
(And don't you dare to doubt it!)
Reading a document - selecting a phrase -
Makes a "federal case" about it!
She's done the same for many years -
She has a lying history.
In regular folks, she instills fears -
But why? This is no mystery.
Saundra wants what Saundra wants -
She'll lie and cheat to get it.
She wheedles, cajoles, puts down and taunts ...
If she wants "the farm", don't bet it!
She's devious when she's "on the hunt".
We've seen it all before.
She plays the "innocent" - is "all up front" -
Then sneaks in by the back door.
She strings you along - makes you look a fool.
You'd dearly love to trust her.
You're really just a "silly tool" -
What you SHOULD do is simply BUST HER!
NEVER believe what Saundra says.
You'll save yourself a lot of grief.
Saundra LOVES to be (or control) the Prez -
She's really just a lying thief.
Don't play her games - don't be misled -
Don't let her string you along.
Keep your focus - use your head.
Whatever Saundra wants is ... WRONG.
She's like a spider in a web,
Waiting for victims to snare.
Don't act like a naive little "deb" -
If you're hurt, she doesn't care.
"BCC's Best Interest" is NOT her goal.
"What Saundra Wants" is her aim.
By playing it straight, you're in a deep hole.
Saundra plays a WINNING GAME.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION – PETE SHELTON":
The-Worser-Verser sez ...
PETE THE HULK ... er ... HUNK:
Our "Blond Adonis" (or so HE thinks)
But the way he thinks (Pete THINKS???) really stinks!
His money "logic" makes no sense.
He twists the facts in his own defense.
He's NEVER at fault - it's ALWAYS Joanne!
While he sneakily transferred cash
To the SRD, per Saundra's plan;
How else did they pay for their monthly bash?
Blond hair, gold chains - he thinks that he's a real "hunk" -
He fancies himself a desirable flirt;
But just look at his beer gut and expanding butt -
PLEASE, Pete - I'm gagging - button up your shirt!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION – PETE SHELTON":
The-Worser-Verser sez ...
PETE THE HULK ... er ... HUNK:
Our "Blond Adonis" (or so HE thinks)
But the way he thinks (Pete THINKS???) really stinks!
His money "logic" makes no sense.
He twists the facts in his own defense.
He's NEVER at fault - it's ALWAYS Joanne!
While he sneakily transferred cash
To the SRD, per Saundra's plan;
How else did they pay for their monthly bash?
Blond hair, gold chains - he thinks that he's a real "hunk" -
He fancies himself a desirable flirt;
But just look at his beer gut and expanding butt -
PLEASE, Pete - I'm gagging - button up your shirt!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION – GEORGE LAUTH":
The-Worser-Verser sez ...
George Lauth is the "perfect" Board member;
Doesn't open his mouth 'til December.
He's the President's dummy - a bottom feeder:
"Vote YES, George!" - he rolls over for his leader.
The Tea Party in "Alice in Wonderland":
Remember the Dormouse? That's George Lauth.
He seems half alseep, doesn't say zilch -
They poke him when they want him to open his mouth!
He falls easily into the hole they've dug -
THAT's why his nickname is "The Slug".
We wouldn't miss him - not one bit!
Because he is so full of s--t.
My comment for the pet haters who wrote in the BCC Blog:
Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.
My hope that the next Board will read the Pet Settlement and adher to it. ie: Pets must be carried while INSIDE THE COMMON AREAS. Like it or not........that's what the LEGAL settlement says. Its registered with the State, and overseem by the courts.
Its straight forward and pure and simple reading...concerning the settlement.
Joyous Burkart
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