Our manager, Joanne, has been ordered by President Slota to begin mandatory random drug testing of our employees.
I would like to know who decided to do this. It is a major policy change which should have been discussed and voted on at a public board meeting. And you have to wonder, is this expensive and time consuming process really an attempt to reduce our rampant drug problem, or just another demeaning harassment of our employees by a couple of directors whose life work seems to be to get rid of our own people and bring in contractors.
And who decided to bring in an outside landscape firm to do trimming at the entrance at Rec 3? How was that outside landscape firm chosen? And was the job put out for bid? Is this not the same company that botched the trimming of the trees (also decided without a board vote)? We've already spent $4,300 with them on two jobs. This is almost 20% of what it would cost on an annual basis to hire a full time replacement for the man we're short on the landscape crew.
I also saw a bid for janitorial service to replace our in-house crew. Maybe I'm going senile, but I don't remember voting to do this. This couldn't be another case of certain members of the BOD going off on their own. And again, who chose the company which submitted the bid?
It seems to me that if some of the board members WANTED to create the appearance of corruption and impropriety they couldn't do a better job than they currently are.
Bill Brady
It seems that this Board cannot seem to control this psychopathic President Sam Slota.
Who gives him these orders to do things? that sneaky control-freak Saundra Zubko? I've heard that Sam is referred to as her "puppet", but if he goes along with all this JUST to keep his ridiculous empty title of "President", then I consider him NOT a puppet - but a two-bit PROSTITUTE - with a very cheap price! He's certainly not smart enough to come up with these ideas on his own! He gets absolutely NO RESPECT from the community.
Hmmm - will the results of the drug tests be "fixed" so that suddenly maintenance men get fired - even though they don't do drugs? With what we pay them, they CAN'T AFFORD DRUGS!
What's this about "trimming" at Rec. 3??? Trees - or shrubs - or what? Is this a ploy to point up that our maintenance guys can't keep up? Of course not - they are short at least 4 guys! I think Artie is now down to 8 - there were 12 in here when I moved in a few years back. Yeah - that firm REALLY butchered and "hatracked" the trees - they are simply ugly. SOMEONE IS GETTING A KICKBACK - SAM SLOTA MUST BE RUNNING OUT OF POCKET MONEY.
OF COURSE we must fire our in-house Janitorial service! They are the best we've had in years - they HAD to be or we'd replace them! Now we're looking at an outside service that won't be any better than the two outsourced firms we've had in the recent past ... but SAM SLOTA NEEDS HIS KICKBACK FOR POCKET MONEY!
Well - WHEN (not IF) we get a new Board next February, they will have a LOT of damage-control and clean-up to do:
Fire the current lawyer -
Re-hire our CPA IF they fire her
(even if we have to pay off the incompetent they will surely hire)-
Hire a few more Maintenance fellows -
AND I believe that a forensic audit needs to be done because of the screw-ups that have been done with our financials. Just the fact that the CPA is NOT ALLOWED to give us a complete picture makes me suspicious as hell! There is NO "Statute of Limitations" on FRAUD - and even if some of these cowards resign - or even move out! ... well, "you can run - but you can't hide!"
All this is coming out at a VERY propitious time - the snow-birds are just about to come back - so it can't be swept under a rug.
In Liberty City, they decide enough is enough with the drug dealers and they "take back the streets" - I think this Board is seeing JUST THE TIP of the same iceberg - people in here have been lied to and tromped on just one too many times - WE ARE GOING TO TAKE BACK OUR COMMUNITY! And we will hang you guys out to dry.
Wait and see!
Good lord! Mandatory drug testing on our employees???
Whose brilliant idea was THIS? We have had our employees for YEARS - and there has never been a HINT of such a problem.
I think we need mandatory testing of this Board to see if they have ONE brain amongst those five morons.
Average IQ is 100.
A moron is classified as having an IQ of 50 or less. I'm sure that the "Fabulous Five" maybe can scratch together 10 each ... for a total of 50.
And THAT's what is running our 2.3 million dollar corporation.
This posting reinforces the truth that Bill Brady and Wilbur Bullock are TOTALLY left out of Board business.
Either that, or Sam Slota has taken a page out of Saundra Zubko's "manual" on "How to Handle a Board and Wear ALL the Hats"!
I can remember the shock of her Board members when she hired Maynard Lord and his wife as manager and secretary - the Board met to interview them and decide IF they wanted them.
After 15 minutes of interviewing, Saundra Zubko said she was going to take them over to see the apartment where they would be living (onsite)if the Board gave its approval. The Board members talked amongst themselves and several weren't too sure that they were in favor of this couple.
Imagine the shock and surprise when Saundra came back - without the Lords and announced that SHE had hired them and given them the unit key and they were moving in the next day!
The Board members' mouths dropped down to their knees. No-one got a vote!
Sam is learning fast - both from Saundra Zubko - and of course, his mentor Ernie Valdastri is no slouch in the crook department ....
IS Sam getting a kickback, and if so - how much is Saundra Zubko's share?
Obviously, Bill (and probably Wilbur) don't get any input from the Board.
Obviously, too, only ONE person - that crook Sam Slota - is making all the decisions.
Time to fire everybody - Christmas is coming and he needs some kickback cash for presents!
This is a shame. WHEN will this Board STOP him?
Those maintenance guys that are our janitorial staff are EXCELLENT (they HAVE to be - or they'd get fired, because they work for US and not some company that hires people right out of jail or from under a bridge!) - can you imagine what we'll get in exchange for Sam's pocket money?
Shame - shame - shame!
Sam Slota:
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch - and may your arms be too short to scratch!
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