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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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I’d like to offer a “WELL DONE” and thanks for the great job Art did in painting and re-furbing our hall in building 3. Art is one of the hardest-working guys I’ve ever met. For the most part I think he’s under-appreciated, and probably under-paid. I am sure there are other great workers among our maintenance and grounds crew, but my own experience is pretty well limited to Art, so I’ve singled him out.
It certainly wouldn’t hurt to add your plug for one of our employees who you’ve found to be especially helpful or diligent. A nice relief to see something positive for a change.
RustyNayles has left a new comment on your post "DON'T BE SHY...": It was moved here by the administrator.
I just heard that our new temporary Resident Service Agent that the Board hired while Sheila is off on maternity leave ...... HAS QUIT! She lasted ... what? one day? (Did one of our Board members "come on too strong" or make a pass at her?)
I guess that's what you get when you hire somebody from CRAIGSLIST! Whose brilliant idea was it to hire from Craigslist? You can find a PROSTITUTE on Craigslist, for god's sake! .... Maybe the Board got their ads mixed up? ;)
Why not go the tried-and-true route like "Kelly Girls"? You get a professional (and if SHE quits or doesn't show up, they immediately send another).
Bunch of rank amateurs, this Board!
There are times when I think they can't do anything more stupid, and then they prove me wrong.
I just hope and pray that Sheila IS planning to come back. We don't need incompetents in the office - we have enough of them on the Board!
GOOD! I'm glad she's gone! She certainly was NOT professional. She didn't even know how to answer the phone properly for a business office! Instead of saying "Bay Colony Club - Good morning/afternoon. This is ---; how may I help you?" she simply said "Hello?" Could have been your friendly neighborhood drug dealer or a wrong number .....
What an image for our community.
I agree with Rusty - get a temp from Kelly Girls - THEY are professional and at least know how to answer a phone.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
She quit? No sh*t! Another black eye for our moronic Board.
Maybe now they will appreciate Sheila when she comes back. You couldn't get any more professional than she is! It gives callers a great image for our office.
........and I DON'T want to see any of the Board members taking over (like Rochelle - who USED to work there before she became an owner). Board members should NOT have access to everyone's personal records. Either suck it up or hire a Kelly Girl.
No need to waste more money in advertising. Get a TEMP - we want Sheila back.
I think a HUGE big thank-you needs to go to ALL our great maintenance crew. The heat we've had this summer has been terrible and I feel so sorry to see them out there in it. Yet when you drive by in your nice air-conditioned car and wave and smile, each one will wave and smile right back! What a GREAT bunch of guys! (I'm glad they're OURS - and not some other condo's crew ...)
For ONCE the Board got it right! They actually hired a decent firm to do the canal repairs. They hired BK Marine, which, if I'm not mistaken, were the contractors that did the ICW seawall for us a couple years ago.
(I was so worried they might use that Ray Qualman guy, who screwed up the last repair when United Community was here - he actually put an electrical connection box BELOW water level ... and guess what happened ...)
My god - if the Board can screw up so badly hiring a simple TEMPORARY receptionist, imagine the heights they will achieve in stupidity if they decide to fire our CPA and replace her?
Bay Colony Club will REALLY be in deep doo-doo then.
WHEN will they learn "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It"?!
I'm counting the days and the months until we can replace this sad bunch in February.
I've learned that if someone says something unkind about me,
I must live so that no one will believe it.
(and I think I do)....
Joyous Burkart
Hi Charlie,
I like your idea of having the BCC Blog.
You should consider not publishing any comments residents make if they sign their names with silly titles, or names that do not reside here or no name at all.
You should try it. I think you would get more readers if you had a higher standard.
If you have a comment...don't hide behind a silly name. Be transparent and responsible. Isn't that what we all want?...... transparency. We are more intelligent than you give us residents.
Kindest Regards,
Joyous Burkart 954-351-9715
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