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BCC residents want an article about dogs so readers can post their doggy comments, opinions and complaints. Here you go folks.
Just click on comments below and let's hear what you think.This article is not pro or con dogs. It is posted to allow readers to discuss dogs among themselves.
kellykohlmyer has left a new comment on your post "DON'T BE SHY...": Moved to "Dogs" R&R
I would like to open a discussion. I have a "pet" peeve and would like to have other opinions on this matter.
With the terrible summer heat, I've been walking at night (10-11 PM) and this is what I'm seeing:
Lazy Dog Owners are sneaking their animals out under cover of darkness to the sidewalk grass by the main entry door and letting them urinate there. I drove by these places (more than one!) during the day and there are patches of dead grass where the dogs do their business.
We have a designated pet area behind Rec. 2 for this purpose, but some don't use this (perhaps because they are too lazy to stoop and scoop?), and they take their dogs to what they call "Poop Lane". This is a residential street across Bayview Avenue. I imagine the home owners there just love this.
We went through a lot of legal expense to accommodate these dog owners so they could keep their pets, and again more legal expense when a resident sued to able to toilet her dog on the property. Is this how they pay us back?
They are NOT responsible dog owners. I feel sorry for their immediate neighbors - the odor of dog urine right outside their entry door on a damp night must be overwhelmingly disgusting. It happens too quickly to call Security (and would they pay any attention anyhow?).
Thank god MY neighbors own cats! (No mess, no smells, no barking and no dog hair on the hall carpeting!)
By the way, I am NOT an animal hater; I have owned my fair share of both dogs and cats. It's not the animals' faults - it's their lousy lazy owners!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "DON'T BE SHY...":
Kelly - boy, can I relate to your complaint! I have a lazy dog owner across the hall, and everything you said is true! The barking, the toileting late at night, and in a month's time there is enough hair on the hall carpet to knit a sweater. The owner actually complained that they should clean the hall carpet more often than once a week! Lazy!
The worst thing is that if my door is opened, the damned thing comes galloping in and bounces off all my furniture and jumps up on me, leaving scratch marks down my legs!
Now I'm much smarter - I check through the peep-hole to make sure the dog isn't running through the halls before I open my door. I thought the rule was they had to be on a leash and carried in the building?
I don't want to complain, but it's awfully hard being a "good neighbor" under the circumstances.
JordieStuart has left a new comment on your post "DON'T BE SHY...":
Right on, Kelly! It's too bad that the size limit is 15 lb. - this guarantees that we're stuck with mindless little yappers like terriers. Don't get me wrong - I've owned some terrific dogs in my time, but they were all BIG dogs (German Shepherds, Collies, Black Labs and Golden Retrievers) - a big dog is much more dignified, and a LOT more intelligent, since most of the big dogs come from "working dog" breeds. These pocket-sized pooches are bred for size and cuteness - not brains.
Couple that up with a lazy owner and you've got a (NON)winning combination. My family had an expression: "Love me - love my dog". Well, sorry, but I find most of the owners in here (AND their mutts) are not particularly lovable.
There is ONE lady with two little dogs in here - she and the dogs don't fit the BCC pattern - the dogs are the BEST-behaved dogs I've ever run into. She's doing SOMETHING right that the others aren't doing.
Well, if I can't bite, can I at least show my teeth and GROWL?
I witnessed what Kelly Kohlmeyer saw. Even worse, I recognized the owner!
It was the same owner that sued Bay Colony Club for the right to toilet the dog on our property.
Well, the dog IS toileted on the property, but not in the designated area.
O HO! So it's come back to bite her in the butt. You should be careful what you wish for ... you just MIGHT get it!
Now that is just too ironic!
She got caught!
Yhese "holier-than-thou" types and "do-gooders" are simply like politicians - out for their OWN agendas - sort of like our current Board of Directors ...
Yes ... there IS a God in heaven.
I TOLD the Board NOT to settle this law suit and now it's come back to bite US in the butt. I think the lawsuit was just to cover up what she's been doing all along. It wasn't for all the other owners in here. These dog owners make up their own rules.
Hey Charlie,
What a great idea about doggies!
Too bad you did it so Bev could post all of her "silliness" with all her alias..........To say I don't walk my dog in the designated area is pure folly..........
Can't wait to get her back on the Board........ha ha......
Joyous Burkart....
...I have nothing to hide. Clean your house or do something constructive....
She is making a sham out of your blog.....sorry. you had a good its just a slam book, like we had in high school.
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