This is a team blog. It allows BCC owners, resident non-owners, and employees to rave (like) and rant (don't like) about BCC. Titled articles, like those below, can only be added by team members. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. Comments removed by Administrator will be relocated to "Hate Mail, Fantasies & Funny Bits" in Rants & Raves Blog.
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Ten Thousand of these fliers were passed out recently at a conference in London.
Anything in this that sounds vaguely familiar?
An honest Board of Directors goes a long way towards safe-guarding your investment in BCC.
Demand honest elections and open bidding on BCC projects... or, suffer the consequences.
For a clearer view, click on the link in the left column: "Condo-Warning to Europeans".