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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BCC Employees - Update

I think BCC employees are all doing a great job under very tough circumstances. Trying to get a job done with 7 bosses and 640 critics can't be easy. Five board members are trying to get rid of Joanne, our manager and Sheila the Service Agent along with all the maintenance guys. Everybody to be replaced by some "management company". I wonder why?

Sam Slota and Pete Shelton have made many unsubstantiated derogatory allegations about the Manager and Service Agent. Their treatment of these two employees is totally unacceptable. The constant harassment of Joanne and Sheila is not only illegal, it is immoral. Apparently any thuggish actions by Pete and Sam are OK if it will eliminate our employees in order to bring back their buddies at United Community Management.

The camel's nose is already under the tent in the form of our lawyer John W. Stevens (a Saundra Zubko protege)
who also represents United Community.

Claims of reduced costs are ridiculous as shown by experience. Remember past disasters? We have to lean on these board members now and vote them out of office at the first opportunity


SandyBeach said...

Actually, it's only a FOUR-member cartel right now. Sam is in hospital up north, so there are only FOUR members in the cartel right now. That's enough for a quorum to do whatever dirty work they want. But you ARE right. There ARE five members. There has ALWAYS been a hidden extra member. Saundra Zubko runs that Board as if she were a real member. Ever since Pete and her cronies got on as Board members, she's dictated every move. Sam admitted that he's helpless. He wants to be President SO BADLY that he's wiiling to DO ANYTHING to keep the (empty) title.
God help us if she decides to run in the next election. Sam is nothing but her puppet.

Blacktooth said...

In the "Watchdog", it mentioned that the Employees had the worst Christmas bonus in years. I'd like to see BCC adopt the system used in other condos to assure the employees a decent bonus. Each time the maintenance fee is paid, a minimal percentage of each unit's fee is placed into the special Employee Christmas Fund. If, say, $3.50 from each unit each quarter went into the Fund (a total of $14.00 from each unit for the year), we'd have a decent fund of $11,520 as a base. Any other donations would sweeten the pot further. We'd see some wide smiles again! Our guys are worth it!

Unknown said...

Um ... Blacktooth: $3.50 a quarter ($14.00 a year) gives only $8,960 as the base fund. Was it a typo? $4.50 per quarter ($18.00 a year) gives the $11,520 figure. I like this base figure much better than the smaller amount! In a two million dollar budget, I can't see why it can't be done. I think it's a GREAT idea! Let's get some new people on next year's Board who think like you do! Yes - our guys ARE worth it!

Blacktooth said...

Oops! My bad! Catnip, you're right, it should have been $4.50.
It worked great in my old condo in Sarasota. We paid monthly maintenance and $5.00 per month went into the fund. We had 250 units, so we had $15,000 in the fund for Christmas bonus. We had 9 maintenance, 4 security and 2 office staff. Everybody got $1,000 minimum - and they LOVED it. We had the world's happiest and most motivated staff!

XmasCarol said...

Are sure it's the "camel's nose" that's under the tent? Smells more like the OTHER end - and I think he left a whopping big deposit! There's a horrible smell about all that this Board does!

Anonymous said...

I think it's terrible that as a pregnant employee, the Resident Service Agent is subjected to harassment by Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko and George Lauth and is cause for a lawsuit! Did anyone hear Saundra's comment about the Resident Service Agent's age in relation to her pregnancy at the June 10th meeting? I know I did. This Board is steering us toward a huge lawsuit with this situation. I have heard that there is a complaint about these Board members and that the Board is doing NOTHING about it. They continue harassing Joanne and Sheila. It must stop. Also, the way they treat our guys is horrendous. When are we going to step up and stop these thugs??

Unknown said...

Saundra isn't the only one with no class and a big mouth. At an earlier Board meeting, Pete Shelton referred to our maintenance employees as getting a little old and maybe should be replaced with fresh blood to get more work our of them! Have you ever watched Vinny work? He's been with us the longest, and though I have no idea how old he is, he works circles around the other guys! I'd LOVE to see Pete out there in the blazing hot sun trying to keep up with Vinny! None of our maintenance guys has a weight problem! I for one, would LOVE to see a lawsuit brought against BCC's Board - maybe it would teach these hard-hearted blabbermouths that THE LAW IS THE LAW! It would certainly serve as a warning and set a precedent for future Boards. America seems to be "dumbing down" - our Board is ALREADY THERE!

Unknown said...

Our maintenance guys are great. I feel so sorry for them on these past hot days. Security has an air-conditioned car to run around in and the gate-house is air-conditioned too - they've got it made in the shade (and they probably make more per hour than our poor maintenance guys!) I guess sucking up to the Board has its benefits and perks ...