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The five board-member cartel now running BCC has abused common sense, Florida law and BCC Documentation.Things are so bad that normally docile BCC owners have begun to pay attention.
The Watchdog, in its June 24 e-mail newsletter, went into details of the board’s employee abuse.(“Our maintenance workers… are treated abominably.”)
BCC EXPOSED, a new, mailed newsletter, pointed out in their June 20 issue that at least five problems caused by the dictatorial five have impacted “our property values, our monthly costs, our security, our credit rating and finally our adherence to Florida State Law.”
What do you think?Do you know or care what’s going on?Are maintenance costs and property values important to you?Should we be financing cocktail parties for the favored few who attend?
I think BCC employees are all doing a great job under very tough circumstances. Trying to get a job done with 7 bosses and 640 critics can't be easy. Five board members are trying to get rid of Joanne, our manager and Sheila the Service Agent along with all the maintenance guys. Everybody to be replaced by some "management company". I wonder why?
Sam Slota and Pete Shelton have made many unsubstantiated derogatory allegations about the Manager and Service Agent. Their treatment of these two employees is totally unacceptable. The constant harassment of Joanne and Sheila is not only illegal, it is immoral. Apparently any thuggish actions by Pete and Sam are OK if it will eliminate our employees in order to bring back their buddies at United Community Management.
The camel's nose is already under the tent in the form of our lawyer John W. Stevens (a Saundra Zubko protege) who also represents United Community.
Claims of reduced costs are ridiculous as shown by experience. Remember past disasters? We have to lean on these board members now and vote them out of office at the first opportunity